Speaker’s Guide for PakDreamin’ 24

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  • Speaker’s Guide for PakDreamin’ 24

You're Speaking at PakDreamin' 24

We look forward to seeing you in October! The PakDreamin team thanks you for your patience, participation, and contribution to the success of this event.


Spread the word by publicizing your session. Make a copy of the TEMPLATE slides linked below and add your photo, name, session title, and then download it to share with your network. Include the link to your session page and the link to register for the event at https://pakdreamin.com.

Every year, PakDreamin organizes a pre-event dinner for speakers. It’s a great opportunity to meet other speakers, MVPs, sponsors, and of course, PakDreamin organizers.

We need you to RSVP so we can arrange accordingly.

Please RSVP before 10th September 2024.


Tell your friends! Spread the word by publicising your session. Make a copy of the template slides linked below and add your photo, name, session title, and then download it to share with your network. Include the link to your session page and the link to register for the event at https://www.pakdreamin.com/.

2024 Speaker Intro Slide

For Presentations on the event day, please use:

PakDreamin’24 PPT Template

Show sponsors lots of love! This event is not possible without their generous support. The templates have a sponsor thanks page. Please thank sponsors early and often.

2024 Sponsors Only Page – Image

NO Sales Pitches. NO Spamming. Talks were selected based on their educational value to attendees. Sponsors and their sponsored talks are the only ones allowed to include any type of sales information or product details and highlight additional speaker details.  If you are a sponsor whose package does not include a talk, a partner, or an ISV who did not purchase a sponsorship, you may contact us about sponsoring at [email protected].


Kindly keep your content and session within 20-25 minutes.


Please use the URL below to share your presentation content by September 15th. https://forms.gle/RbmfmznzqTx8Y1Qj6

If you’re still not a part of a PakDreamin Speakers Group, Please use this link to join: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CotsptNUuUrJx8rgjBHzAU

You can also join slack: https://join.slack.com/t/pakdreamin/shared_invite/zt-22eomos1c-Je76xY98F5t2ZOsVwIbQrA

Follow us and share on social media!

Twitter @PakDreamin

For any query: [email protected]
